GPII UltraLife EE 46
A Premium Energy Efficient Hydraulic Oil
Staying Ahead of the Competition
Early adopters who choose to upgrade to an energy-efficient hydraulic oil will find a cost-effective solution to improving both the profitability and the sustainability credentials of their business whilst also enhancing the productivity and durability of their hydraulic equipment.
Proven Performance in a Real-World Environment
Using Engel automated injection moulding equipment and advanced monitoring software also supplied by Engel, 2.4 million data points were recorded through 50 channels ensuring a much greater level of accuracy in the results when compared to standard monitoring methods.
The results show that using GPII UltraLife EE 46 can lower power consumption by up to 8.5% when compared to conventional fluids. This significant efficiency improvement can deliver numerous benefits to your business.
Features and Benefits
- Formulated using supreme quality Group II base oil and the latest additive technology to provide advanced efficiency and protection performance.
- Suitable for use in a wide range of applications incorporating high speed gears and bearings, pumps, blowers and other similar components.
- Outstanding cleanliness and purity, guaranteed ISO Cleanliness rating of 21/19/16 or better
- Excellent protection of machinery and systems against corrosion and wear.
- Extended service life associated with excellent resistance to oxidation and thermal degradation.
- High-level anti-foam and de-aeration performance
- Compatible and miscible in storage and in service with most other mineral oils.
- Good filterability for use in conjunction with most hydraulic and lubricating oil system filters.
- Fully compatible with elastomer materials commonly used for static and dynamic seals.
Typical Physical & Chemical Characteristics
Performance Specifications / Approvals
- Eaton Lubricant Specification EFDGN-TB002-E
- Parker Denison HF-1, HF-2, HF-0
- DIN 51524 PART 2 & 3
- Fives Cincinnati P-68, P-69 & P-70
- ISO 11158 HM
- ISO 11158

Early adopters who choose to upgrade to an energy-efficient hydraulic oil will find a cost-effective solution to improving both the profitability and the sustainability credentials of their business whilst also enhancing the productivity and durability of their hydraulic equipment.
What Our Customers Say About Us...
“Oil is often viewed as a commodity product and overlooked in its importance, so when embarking on an ambitious Polypipe initiative of “Back to Standard” Oil care and management was extremely high on my priority list. Having oil analysed is a function most companies undertake but the ability to interpret the result, determine a trend and then make sensible and sound recommendations is what sets Rockson LubriTek apart from others. I look forward to building on this positive start and developing our partnership into new areas of possibility such as gearbox performance and reduced energy and wear initiatives”.
Adrian Banks - Engineering Director
Not only do Rockson LubriTek offer first class oil management services to our injection moulding machines, they have also solved hydraulic oil related issues experienced. An older machine on site was suffering from premature filter blockages and sticking valves, meaning regular & costly replacement and downtime. The Rockson LubriTek oil management technician advised it could be due to varnish and sludge build up which occurs over time. After carrying out analysis this was identified as the issue and recommended to use their VRT UltraClean additive to break down the varnish and sludge and oil change. Since then the issue has been resolved and the machine hasn’t missed a beat!
Gary Colgan - Maintenance Manager
“Rockson LubriTek were selected as our initial oil fill partner due to a long-standing relationship throughout both businesses and a knowledge of what ours and more importantly our customers’ needs are. We have ultimate confidence in Rockson LubriTek carrying out a professional job on every machine installation”