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GPII UltraLife Premium Hydraulic Oils

The world of hydraulic oils has changed and OMS LubriTek are at the forefront of this technology. Our GPII UltraLife Premium range of products are blended from hydrocracked base oil technology that means it is semi synthetic in chemical state and performance additive packs that meet the new Bosch Rexroth fluid rating RDE 90235.

This specification will be the industry standard benchmark for all hydraulic oils moving forward as demands on hydraulic systems increase and pump manufacturers demand higher performing hydraulic oils. GPII UltraLife offers 4x longer life against oxidisation, improved filterability reducing filter changes, advanced lubricity offering increased wear protection and extending equipment life, as well as consisted water separation and improved sheer stability enhancing hydraulic system performance.

We are also working in partnership with AD Plastics conducting energy efficiency trials with GPII UltraLife Premium Hydraulic Oil to prove energy cost reductions within injection moulding machines aiming for a typical cost reduction of 4% which will prove significant when considering energy consumption is the major cost within the industry.